



Electrical engineers deal with all aspects of electricity and electronics, ranging from nationwide power grids down to integrated circuits containing billions of transistors. The field has spurred advances in electrical power, electronics, radios, control systems 和机器人.


  • Electrical engineer (power systems/utilities/renewable energy)
  • 计算机辅助设计工程师
  • 音响师 
  • Control engineer (automation/advanced manufacturing/autonomous vehicles)
  • 电信工程师


Engineering Student Follows 父母 to 南, After a Detour


With both parents being 十大玩彩信誉平台 engineering graduates, Mobile native 安娜·萨拉查 would obviously follow their footsteps, right?

不完全是. First, when she was little, she 说 she would never be an engineer because 她讨厌减法.

By college age, she had changed her mind. She studied biomedical engineering for two 几年-在另一所学校. Then she transferred to 南 and switched majors to electrical 工程学,她父亲的领域. (他来自哥斯达黎加. 她的母亲是美国人.S. 土生土长的,是一名化学工程师.)

“I fell in love with 南,” Salazar 说. 原因是她的教授. “不仅是 they good teachers, but they really give their time and effort to the students. 他们 easy to approach and just eager to help.”


“For several weeks we were there from 6 a.m. 到10点.m. 打开灯. It was really amazing to be a part of.”


Salazar has worked for Alabama Power as part of the USA Engineering Cooperative Education Program, which gives students a chance for a permanent job upon graduation. 合作社 students alternate semesters of class work with semesters of full-time paid employment.

During her first Alabama Power semester in fall 2020, hurricanes Sally and Zeta ripped 拖下数英里的电线. Salazar helped dispatch out-of-town and out-of-state repair 工作人员.

“For several weeks we were there from 6 a.m. 到10点.m. 把灯打开,”她说 说. “It was really amazing to be a part of.”

在南, she was chapter vice president for the international engineering honor society and was involved in other student organizations.

“You learn a lot of valuable skills that you don’t learn in the classroom,” she 说, “such as organizing people with different schedules and leading meetings. 小事情 like that have definitely translated to work.”


  • 学生 get plugged into undergraduate research. For example, undergraduate students designed and built a complete working satellite for delivery to NASA.
  • Many students participate in internships or co-op programs working for local companies, such as Alabama Power, Austal USA and Airbus.
  • The major offers a pre-med track for students interested in healthcare fields. 



Dr. Hulya Kirkici
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
(251) 460-6117

Curriculum and Degree Requirements

